Custom Post Type UI (custom-post-type-ui) Plugin Help & Customization Services

If you’re looking for a plugin to help you manage your custom post types on your WordPress site, look no further than the Custom Post Type UI plugin. This plugin provides you with an easy to use interface that lets you create, edit, and delete custom post types with ease.

What is the Custom Post Type UI Plugin?

The Custom Post Type UI Plugin is a plugin that helps you create custom post types within your WordPress blog. It provides a user interface for creating new posts, editing posts, and deleting posts, as well as the ability to add custom taxonomies and fields to posts. The plugin is free and available from the WordPress Plugin repository.

How to Enable the Custom Post Type UI Plugin?

If you’re looking to add a custom post type to your WordPress site, you’ll want to check out the Custom Post Type UI plugin. This plugin makes it easy to create custom post types, and it comes with some helpful features. In this article, we’ll show you how to enable the plugin and set up your first custom post type.

First, you’ll need to install the Custom Post Type UI plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory. Once it’s installed, you’ll need to activate it. To do this, go to your WordPress admin area and click on the Plugins tab. Then, search for the Custom Post Type UI plugin and click on the activation link next to it.

Now that the Custom Post Type UI plugin is activated, you’ll need to set up your first custom post type. To do this, go to the Custom Post Types section of your WordPress admin area and click on the Add New button. You’ll then need to provide a name for your new custom post type and select a template from the list of available templates. The Custom Post Type UI plugin includes a number of popular templates that you can use as a starting point.

Next, you’ll need

Using the Custom Post Type UI Plugin

If you are using the Custom Post Type UI plugin, you may have noticed that it is hard to find all the information you need about how to use it. This blog section will help you get started using the plugin.

To start, create a custom post type in your WordPress site. Then, go to the Custom Post Type UI plugin and click on the “Add New” button. In the “Name” field, type a name for your new post type and in the “Description” field, provide a description of your post type. Click on the “Save” button and then on the “Edit” button next to your new post type name. In the “General Settings” tab, we will need to add some information about our new post type. First, we will need to specify which taxonomies our post type will be available in. To do this, we will select the “Posts by WPtouch Team” taxonomy from the list and click on the “Select Taxonomy” button. In the “Post Types associated with this Taxonomy” field, we will enter our new post type’s ID (in this case, custom-post-type). Finally, we will set a default order for

Using The Custom Post Type UI Plugin To Create Custom Taxonomies

If you’re looking to create custom taxonomies for your WordPress blog, the Custom Post Type UI plugin is a great way to get started. This plugin makes creating custom taxonomies easy by providing a user interface and plugin API.

To get started, simply install the Custom Post Type UI plugin and activate it. After that, use the plugin’s admin panel to add a new taxonomy. You can then define the fields that will be used in your taxonomy, as well as the category name and slug. To create a new post type for your taxonomy, click on the “New Post Type” button and enter the details required for a new post type.

Once you’ve created your new taxonomy, you can start using it to organize your blog posts. You can use the built-in search features to find posts in your taxonomy, or you can use the Custom Taxonomy metaboxes provided by the Custom Post Type UI plugin to add meta information to individual posts.

If you’d like to learn more about how to use the Custom Post Type UI plugin, be sure to check out our documentation page.

Using The Custom Post Type UI Plugin To Create Custom Taxonomies Step by Step

If you’re looking to create custom taxonomies on your WordPress site, then you’ll want to check out the Custom Post Type UI plugin. This plugin makes it easy to create custom taxonomies and add them to your posts and pages. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use the plugin to create a custom taxonomy called “Birthdays”.

To get started, first install the Custom Post Type UI plugin. Once it’s installed, open up your WordPress admin area and click on the “Appearance” tab. Under the “Post Types” section, select “Custom Post Type” from the list of options and click on the “Add New” button. In the “Name” field, enter “Birthdays” and in the “Type” field, select “Taxonomy.” Click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the screen.

Now that we’ve created our custom post type, we need to add some categories to it. To do this, click on the “Categories” tab in the Custom Post Type UI plugin and select “Add New Category.” Enter a name for your category in the “Name” field and click on the “Add Category” button. Repeat these


If you’re looking to create custom post types in WordPress, then you’ll want to check out the Custom Post Type UI plugin. This plugin makes it easy to add new post types, and gives you all the admin controls you need to customize them exactly the way you want. Not sure if this plugin is right for your site? Check out our full review of the Custom Post Type UI plugin to find out more.

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