Case Studies

Typical Plugin Code Errors

Escaping Variables and options must be escaped when echo’d Much related to sanitizing everything, all variables that are echoed need to be escaped when they’re echoed, so it can’t hijack…

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Yacht Rental, Repair and Winterize Service

The task of this project was to integrate payment method into WP Estimation Form plugin. The main difficulty lay in the architecture of the plugin itself, because the possibility…

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Integrate Justimmo API – for real estate brokerage service

Integration of the real estate brokerage aggregator Justimmo with WordPress. A plugin had to be created to import real estate objects into WordPress with all fields filled in, including the…

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TKOTIX – sports event aggregator

Development of a platform on which managers and organizers of fights can publish an event with the ability to sell tickets and referral system for fighters. The project was implemented…

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Creating a Job Board Website

A redesign of the job search site with a selection of professionals by activity category. The site used a premium JobCareer theme that was specifically designed for a site with…

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Website and B2B WooCommerce for Wholesale Shoe Factory

Development of a multifunctional wholesale platform for a shoe factory in Italy with the possibility of mass ordering shoes by size, taking into account the discount for the quantity purchased….

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OpenBroker – Find your Apartment

Development of a multifunctional plugin for real estate brokerage agency, allowing to install the plugin on any site, with absolutely any theme and content, so that any user with a…

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